Monday, February 16, 2009

Life With A Schedule

I find my day goes by smoothly when I have a schedule, but it wasn’t always that way. The day I received my first planner in middle school, I couldn’t help by wonder, “What’s the point?” I didn’t see why the school was giving us these booklets that more than half the students were not going to use. Of course, they saw it a different way... they were teaching us how to manage our time. Honestly?! At that age, I didn’t want anything to do with it. It took time away from other things, and I didn’t have a busy schedule to put in it.

It’s kind of funny how your opinions on a matter can change 180 degrees. With each grade, I become more involved with school, and I found that planning my days and weeks in advance gave me reassurance. I knew what I had to do because it was laid out in front of me. I made my schedule; I decided if I could balance another activity. Now that I’m in college, my planner has become my best friend. I actually have two! One has my class schedule and organization meeting times, while the other has my to-do list for completing class assignments.

I find planners useful for a number of reasons which is why I use them:
1) They prevent conflicts
2) They serve as reminders
3) They reduce stress
4) They are helpful visuals
5) They organize and prevent chaos

Don't just take my word for it. Try it, and you'll see for yourself. I plan on finding and posting how time management is benefitial. Come back for opinions on time management, how's professionals do it in the workplace, and for tips on how to better manage your time.